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Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Always a Woman!

“She can kill with a smile
She can wound with her eyes
She can ruin your faith with her casual lies
And she only reveals what she wants you to see
She hides like a child,
But she's always a woman to me”

They say it’s a man’s world. I say, we let them think so!
On the occasion of the International Women’s Day, this is a tribute to all those women out there who don’t just exist, they live; who don’t just breathe, they make hearts stop beating; who don’t just work, they inspire; who don’t just walk, they make knees go weak; who don’t just create, they give birth to life…..
There is a reason God made us like this. He gave us the heart to love like we do, the hands to care and nurture like we do, the head to take decisions like we do and above all, the soul to be a woman! Ask yourself this, “Who is the single most important person in your life?” and the answer will definitely be a woman. Because right from being a Mother and giving you life, to being a Friend and giving you advice and a shoulder to cry on, to being a sister that you bullied and loved nevertheless, to being a sister-in-law that you shared all your secrets with, to being a wife who loved like you never knew love, to being a grandma who told you funny stories about your Dad, to being the colleague that made office so much fun, a woman can do all that and more and make it look so easy!
And the most unique thing about a woman is her ability to deal with pain – not just physical but also emotional. We, in India, have been brought with a tendency to look down on the women that are going through their monthly biological cycles. Men crib that women get moody during “that time of the month” but that is just the bribe God gave us for making us go through what we do! Well, jokes apart, the fact remains, it is NATURAL. Not like women went and specially asked for it. So it doesn’t cease to amaze me as to why there is such a big stigma attached with it. There are communities in the country that don’t let women cook; don’t let them visit the place of worship; don’t let them go near plants during that time of the month. But what we forget is that THAT is what is marks the beginning of a journey where a girl becomes a lady. It is the phenomenon that says everything is fine and that the lady can someday give birth to another human being. This is probably why the same country also has communities that celebrate this occasion of life. There are states where this stage is celebrated with rituals and presenting of gold to the girl, where there is a proper ceremony and the parents present the girl to the world as a woman.
Being in an industry which is glorified by women, let’s take a pledge this Women’s Day that we will put the negatives of history behind us and be proud of who we are – a Woman! A woman who is capable of everything under the sun – Chairing boardroom meetings, cooking a gourmet meal, getting a makeover, designing and creating the kids’ fancy dress costumes, volunteering at an old age home – all in a day’s work!
Be the kind of woman, that when your feet hit the floor each morning, the Devil says "Oh damn, She's up!"
To close, I would like to quote Marianne Williamson, “Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that frightens us most. We ask ourselves, 'Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, and famous?' Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that people won't feel insecure around you. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It's not just in some of us; it's in all of us. And when we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.”

Happy Women's Day!!!

Author of the Post: (Ms. Divisha Upadhayaya, Center Head, Bangalore Branch)

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

How it all began....!

You know how every time that you are at work, you don’t feel like working, just want to laze around and then your boss/supervisor comes and shatters that beautiful image to say “You think your Pappa owns this company!!??!!”
Well, in my case, I can actually turn around and say “Yes!” But that is where MY beautiful image shatters! For all those who thought working in “Pappa’s” company was a piece of cake, clearly never met mine.
So when I decided to not go down the beaten path of the on-campus placements in the IT industry and do something on my own, little did I know what was in store for me. In an attempt to make me learn things myself and stand on my own two feet immediately, I was given a seemingly simple task – Open an office for iQuest Consultants in Bangalore from scratch. The reason I use the word “seemingly” is that its sounds simple to do that when you just hear it, but ground reality is very different. From deciding the size of the office to bargaining for the rent; from deciding the location of the office to deciding the seating arrangement of it; from haggling with furniture manufacturers to bargaining with computer equipment suppliers; from taking a call on the capacity of the UPS to banging my head with Airtel.. phew!! and the list goes on. But that really wasn’t the biggest challenge. The biggest challenge was actually convincing people (brokers, suppliers, candidates etc) that somebody who looks like me (for all those who don’t know how I look, let’s just say that I have been mistaken for a 16 yr old on more than one occasion) was actually interested in setting up an entire functioning office.
And thus ensued the long days that had no lunch breaks, no work timings, min 3 hrs of travelling, bike rides behind weird men, sitting alone in office watching the electrician/carpenter make the place look functional, waiting for candidates to turn up, lots of disappointment and at times, tears…
Convincing candidates who turned up for interviews about the credibility of the company was an uphill task. But I am very grateful to the people who did join us and help kick start the operations. There were days when I thought to myself “What have I got myself into!!”
Well, the end result of all of this was 1st March, when a proud boss (and father) announced the opening, rather re-opening, of the Bangalore center of iQuest Consultants as we know it today. We have come a very long way from there and this past year has been more of a learning experience for me than my 4 yrs of engineering put together! Anyways, with a small pat on my back and big dreams in my eyes, me and the Bangalore team set our best foot forward to celebrate another year of working hard, laughing, partying, learning and living! Here’s to us and the entire iQuest family! Cheers!!

Author of the Post: Ms. Divisha Upadhayaya, (Center Head, Bangalore Branch)
iQuesters at Bangalore Branch