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Friday, January 21, 2011

Save your 'SKULL' Save your 'KAL'!!!

 “Wear Helmet, Drive Safe, Be Safe!!!”
If you've heard about “Motor cycling safety” 100 times from time to time, don't wonder why??? Coz it doesn't hurt repeating, but hurts a lot when a news comes about somebody's death or injury because of not wearing helmet. When we think about motorcycles we think about the feel of the rushing wind in our faces and our hair blowing back behind us. We think about looking cool as we speed down the road. What we don't think about is what happens to the human body when it is involved in a motorcycle collision with a car or a van. We don't think about the impact of the collision, the body being thrown clear and sliding along the road's surface until it stops on its own or until it encounters a fence or a telephone pole. So taking importance of helmets in to mind, I carried out a research in iQuest to find out that how may iQuesters have bikes and how many of them wear helmets & save themselves from those heartrending head injuries caused by the fatal accidents.

Helmet No. of iQuesters % age
With Helmet 26 31.46%
Without Helmet 85 68.54%
Total 121 100.00%
A great example has been shared as “My brother had a helmet but never used it. After 13 days of his marriage, once, while he was going out, I requested him to use helmet as I always use. Same day he met with a fatal accident and his right leg was crushed into pieces and his helmet was crushed into four pieces. By God’s blessings, I found my brother alive. Thanks to his helmet, due to helmet he got a second life. Till date, after 5yrs of that accident, he never forgets his helmet.” -- Nil Nayak, Associate Manager (Non IT)-Recruitement & Admin.

Your health and well-being is important to your families and close ones and I would certainly like each one of you to wear helmets at all times while riding your bikes and scooters.

I trust this would be taken in the spirit of social consciousness and personal safety & lets make a resolution for this new year to use helmets..... !!!
Author of the Post: Ms. Prafulla Char (Junior Technical Consultant, Kondwa Branch, Pune)
Research Jointly conducted by: Ms. Prafulla and Mr. Shrikant Patel (Technical Consultant, Kondwa Branch, Pune)


  1. Prafulla & Shrikant- Aptly and in a subtle manner the message has come across. Esp. the incident shared by the iQuestor gives it a personal touch. All in all it leaves a great impact.Hope with this the figures for "With Helment" goes up..."Jago iQuestors" :)

  2. Shweta Rathod said...

    Prafulla & Shrikant- Aptly and in a subtle manner the message has come across. Esp. the incident shared by the iQuestor gives it a personal touch. All in all it leaves a great impact.Hope with this the figures for "With Helment" goes up..."Jago iQuestors" :)

  3. Great job done Prafulla!! Hope Here after every "PAL", every iQuestor will think of their "KAL"..Cheers!!!!!!!
