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Friday, June 27, 2014

Respect The Recruiter

Respect The Recruiter
An Article on Linkedin

There was a time when Recruitment companies were like call centers, and the recruiters were mere telecallers. Mass mailers and bulk job postings were the game deciders. Today the scenario has changed; well, at least to the serious players in the business. Recruiters today are Consultants. They help you choose a career, they guide you with inputs on the company, and the role and the USPs that would help you clinch the deal. A real deal breaker then, is when the candidate does not appreciate this, and does not carry the Respect for the Recruiter. I'm penning my thoughts on this from a recruiter perspective. I'm sorry, if some of it is too candid.

1) Be Polite:
They say, politeness is a virtue. No harm in showing that to a recruiter who is calling you. Yes, she gets paid for calling you, and it is her job. But also remember that YOU are not the only one available for that job in the market. You stand a better chance of your CV reaching the HR manager, by being just a little polite.

2) Tell the Truth
DO NOT lie to the Doctor, Lawyer and the Recruiter. Many times candidates hide critical information about their current role, salary or even if they are in a job. It cuts a very sorry figure in front of the client, after they find out the truth, which will happen inevitably. If you are truthful, a recruiter can help you by advising you on how to handle it. A lie is not going to take you further.

3) Are you even looking for a Job?
Be Sure. Have you made up your mind that you are looking for a job? .If not, please be upfront in the first call. It saves a lot of effort for the recruiter and yourself.

4) Don’t Juggle offers.
If you are in discussions with another client or if you have another offer in hand, it is best to tell the recruiter. May be she can fast track your interview, or at least she would be upfront with you if her client would hire you or not. Playing smart to get the best deal by juggling, can end up with empty hands.

5) Don’t wait for eternity to decide
Clients work on strict time lines to fill up positions. Most recruiters face competition from other recruitment companies for the same position. You need to decide fast before the client decides otherwise. Please don’t keep the recruiter hanging in balance for eternity while you decide.

6) Have Patience
Recruiters will get back to you as soon as they hear from the client. Please give them that bit of time. Over follow up may be counterproductive. Approaching the client directly through other means will be an act of desperation, and may kill your chances.

7) Respect the Time:
Most good recruitment consultants are girls, and they don’t work 24 hours. It is unfair to ask them to call you at 9.30 in the night after you have finished with your day, or on a week end. Don’t expect her to give you her mobile number so that you can call her after your work hours. Respect her and her time.

8) If it is Confidential, it is Confidential
Many clients want the information of a search to be kept confidential, mostly because there is an incumbent. Keep it as confidential when the recruiter says so. Many time the candidate’s over enthusiasm to check with the client on the position falls directly into the incumbents ear, leaving the HR and the recruiter red faced. And your CV gets red flagged.

9) Help us to Help You
Simple, just keep up to your words. If you have agreed to go for the interview, please go on the agreed time. If by any chance you are unable to go, please ensure you inform the recruiter well in advance. She can keep the client informed. Imagine yourself waiting for a candidate to turn up for an interview and being told 15 minutes post the scheduled time that the candidate won’t reach!!

A recruiter changes your life. Help her to make her life a little better.
I'm sure many more points can get added to this. Look forward to hearing from fellow recruiter fraternity and potential candidates.

Note : I have used feminine gender for recruiter and it was to address the vast majority of brilliant recruiters in this industry.

Author: Sanjeev Vajpai
              iQuest Management Consultants Pvt Ltd

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